6. Mary Canvin
A very old resident of Araluen passed away on Saturday last, viz., Mrs. Mary Burke, relict of the late Mr. William Burke, who was as innkeeper at Burketown, the village then named after him, on the western side of the Valley, in the neighborhood of where Mr. Moltins now lives, the spot where the old publichouse was being now a swamp. Mrs. Burke was 63 years of age when she died. She lived for some time in Sydney until about twelve montns since, when she returned to Araluen on the death of one of her sons. She was a sister of Mrs. Lundie, of Braidwood, Their father was employed at Exeter Farm as a blacksmith in the very earliest days of settlement in the district. Many of the old residents will remember her brother, Mr. John Canvin, who died many years since. She leaves a family of three or four sons and three daughters, one of whom is Mrs. R, Knaggs, of Battowynd. The deceased was bnried in the Braidwood Cemetery, the funeral taking place on Monday afternoon.
Source: The Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal 27 May 1903
The funeral of the late Mr. Daniel Murphy took, place yesterday morning, leanng Mrs. Leaver 's Farmers Home Hotel. The Rev. Father Galvin officiated al the graveside. Mr. Anthony Brunskill, for whom deceased had worked for the last 20 years, and , a number of fellow employees were present. The interment was made in the Roman Catholic portion of the Wagga cemetery. The pall-bearerswcre Messrs. M. Connelly, G. Turner, J .Taylor, J Leather, G Rutherford and T Harrison, fellow workers of the deceased.
Source: Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga) 14 Jly 1917