186. Elsie Maud Smallwood
AT The Presbyterian Church, Pitt Town, on Saturday, March 23, was the scene of the wedding of Miss Elsie Maud Smallwood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Small wood, of Maraylya Post Office, to Mr. Kirth John Moore Mitchell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Moore Mitchell, of Cattai. The Rev. David Baird officiated. The bride's dress was of crepe de chine, the front having a drape of silver lace caught up with tiny sprays of orange blossom. Her shoulder spray was also of orange blossom, and her bridal veil, embroidered in silver, was kept in place by a wreath of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of white roses, tied with white streamers, to which were attached tiny rose buds and asparagus fern. The Misses Violet Smallwood and Daphne Mitchell, sisters of the bride and bridegroom respectively, acted as bridesmaids. They wore dresses of shell pink crepe de chine and georgette, with hats to match, and carried bouquets of pink roses tied with pink streamers. The bridegroom was attended by Messrs Milton Mitchell and Janies Smallwood, who gave his sister away. Owing to a recent bereavement only immediate relatives of the contracting parties were. entertained at the wedding breakfast, which was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. Smallwood, who received the guests, was attired in a frock of black, crepe de chine, relieved with pearls, and a black hat. The future home of the newly wedded couple will be at Cattai.
Source: Windsor and Richmond Gazette 5 Ap 1929
Friends throughout the Hawkesbury district, and par- ticularly in the Pitt Town area, were deeply grieved to learn of the passing at the District Hospital on June 22 of Mrs. Alice Matilda Huxley, wife of Mr. W. J. Huxley, of Pitt Town, at the age of 66 years. A kindly personality, always quick to help those in distress, and a most estimable citizen, who was always a worker for public, charitable and church undertakings, the late Mrs. Huxley was held in affectionate esteem by all who had the pleasure of her friendship, and all offer their sincere sympathy to her husband and surviving family of six, sons and two daughters in their loss. The largely attended and representative funeral took place on June 24, when, after a service: in St. James Church, Pitt Town, the remains were laid to rest in this Church of England cemetery at that centre.
Source: Windsor and Richmond Gazette - 29 Jun 1955