187. John T Stanton
John Stanton.
Mr John Stanton, son of the late Mr Joseph Stanton, of Lambridge, died at his residence, The Boulevard, Rookwood, on Sunday last, in his 75th year. Although deceased left the district many years ago, he was well-known to the old hands. There are residing in this district at the present time : Mrs W Lennox (sister), and Messrs William, Joseph, and Josiah (brothers).
Source: Nepean Times 24 Dec 1910
188. Mary Ann Stanton
Another old resident of Orange passed away yesterday, Mrs. Lamrock, widow of the late Mr. McAustland Lamrock who predeceased her some ten years ago. This highly esteemed old lady had been a sufferer for some 18 months, and had been practically bedridden for a considerable portion of that period. She was a native of Penrith, a daughter of the late Joseph Stanton, of that town, and her cousins were the late Mrs. Strickland, of Bundaburra, and the late Mrs. Woolls Rutledge, mother of the Rev. Woolls Rutledge, the celebrated Methodist divine. Their mother was a member of the old Field family of Penrith. The family consists of Mrs. Wills, Mrs. Woodward, Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Drummond, Messrs. Arthur (Tamworth), Walter (Sydney), and Stuart (Orange). Mr. Joseph Lamrock and Miss Hildred Lamrock predeceased their mother. For a number of years Mr. and Mrs. Lamrock lived in Bathurst, but removed to Orange 38 years ago. Until age robbed her of her activity Mrs. Lamrock was a hard church worker. She had a close connection with the colony's earliest history, her grandfather having been a Mr. Collett, Private Secretary to the first Governor, Sir Arthur Phillip, and having decided not to return to England was granted the land on which the Lithgow coalfield is situate, but being unaware of its mineral wealth parted with it for the proverbial song.
Source: Wellington Times 10 Oct 1918