67. Alma Edith (Dolly) Anstiss
ANSTISS — May 4, 1905, at the residence of her parents, Wentworth-st., Parramatta, Alma Edith (Dolly), dearly beloved infant daughter of Thomas and Margaret Anstiss, aged 14 months. A bud in Heaven.
Source: The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate 6 May 1905
On Wednesday evening, at the Presbyterian Church. Granville, the Rev. H. Wilson officiated at the nuptials of Mr. John W. Hill, a well known young Granville tradesman, and Miss Anstiss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anstiss, of Princes-street. On Tuesday evening, prior to the wedding day, the friends of the young couple gave a kitchen tea.
Source: The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate 7 Nov 1903
The marriage of Miss Annie Anstiss, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Anstiss, of Princes-street, Granville, with Mr. Frederic Charles Gouldthorp, youngest eon of Mr. Geo. Gouldthorp, formerly of Granville, but now of Western Australia, took place on Wednesday evening at the Presbyterian Church, Granville, the officiating minister being the Rev. Hugh Wilson. As tho bride was being driven to the church, the members of the Granville Fire Brigade, in full dress, mounted on their manual, followed at a short distance as an escort. The night was a novel one. After the ceremony, the firemen also followed in the procession to Mrs. Barnes' residence, (a sister of the bride), where the reception and breakfast and after festivities wore kept up. The bride, who was given away by her father, was dressed in white iiiouh selinc de soio, with lace and silk streamers, wearing the usual bride's veil and wreath of orange blossom. She also wore a handsome gold cable bangle, tho gift of the bridegroom. Her chief brides maid. Miss E. Knight, wins dressed in cream mercerised muslin, trimmed with lace and insertion, and wore a butterfly bow in her hair, and a gold brooch, sot I with pearls and sapphire (gift of bridegroom). Miss Madge Anstiss. sister or tho bride, wore cream morcorited muslin, wrougt with lnoo and insertion, and a gold brooch. Miss Florence Porter, niece of the bridegroom, was dressed similarly. Tho bride received a very huge number of presents. Mr. and Mrs. Gouldthorp left for Sydney by tho 10.3U train, and will spend a short honeymoon at Katoomba, then returning to take up their residence in Granville. The bride (who is in half mourning for a sister who died less than twelve months ago) wore, as a travelling dress, a handsome black voile, trimmed with cream, and wore a black hat with tips.
Source: The Cumberland Argos and Fruitgrowers Advocate 23 Sep 1905