Richmond News.
The news of the death of such an old and respected identity as the late Mrs. Isaac Cornwell, caused much sorrow in town on Friday last. Mrs. Cornwell was perhaps one of the oldest Hawkesbury natives, having been born in the vicinity of Grose Vale 90 years ago on May 5th last. She therefore could give much valuable information respecting the early settlement in this district and could speak from personal knowledge in re- gard to the progress made in all directions. Mrs.Cornwell had been twice married, first to Mr. Richards, and her first family were :-Messrs. B. Richards, J.P., who is well-known throughout the length and breadth of the colony ; the late Thomas Richards, who died some little time ago ; William Richards of Forbes: and Mrs. Sarah Buckland (deceased). Her second husband, Mr. Isaac Cornwell, died some time since, the children by this marriage being the late John Cornwell, Mrs. Richard Allen, Mrs. R. Turner, Mrs. Shields, and Mr. Albert Cornwell. The number of grand and great-grandchildren left by the deceased lady cannot be ascertained. The funeral on Sunday afternoon was very largely attended. The re- mains were interred in the Church of England Cemetery, the Rev. Mr. Hargraves officiating.
Source: Windsor and Richmond Gazette 22 Jun 1889
Arrived as a convict on the Indian
Some Ups and Downs of an Old Richmondite, Mr Alfred Smith
Chronicled. by Robert Farlow
[For the Gazette.]
When William Onus married Miss Annie Hough, sister to the late Peter Hough, of Agnes Banks, he went there to live. Good old Edward Robinson, also lived there for a while, and kept a boarding house. On the same side, down rear the lagoon, was a brick house of four rooms and a verandah with a kitchen at the back , where Jacob Inness lived. He was a farmer and had three sons, Jacob, Isaac and John, and one daughter, Betsy. I went to school with them. Betsy was a fine working girl, and I have heard them say she was a great reaper — girls thought nothing of that work in those days — and could do her half acre a day. Mr Inness died there. After they left, the place went to ruin, and Mr Joseph Onus, senr., had it pulled down. Another place was built and that, too, has been down a long time. We will take the opposite side of this street, and work from the Windsor end. There were no houses on this side till we come to the old brick place opposite to where Abe Eather lived. It was a big place with a verandah back and front, and a barn. It belonged to Robert Martin, Mrs William Price's father, who lived there. He sold the property to old Mr Fossett. Mr Fossett had the barn built. He died there. I don't remember it getting built, Crawford Bedwell lived there for a number of years, and a large portion of his family were born there. Afterwards old Mr and Mrs Field lived there. Here old Mr Field died. Then we come to the long weatherboard place on the corner, which was built before my time. The first I remember there was old Mr Peter McAlpin, father of the well-known William. He was a blacksmith, and carried on business there. He was a fine singer, and had a very strong voice, and I re- member him singing at the Presbyterian services, which they held where 'Granny' Ashton lives. When Thomas Eather left the pub he went there to live. Mrs Eather was a daughter of Mr Peter McAlpin. Old Mr McAlpin, the black smith, died there Mrs Thomas Eather died there also. We then had vacant land till we come to where Mr Henry Hughes lives. This must be a very old place, and was built before my time. The first I remember living there was Henry Hughes' father, the old schoolmaster, and his wife. Both Mr and Mrs Hughes died there. This house has always been occupied by the Hughes family. Where Mr Fred Powell had his milking yard there was a four-roomed weather- board cottage, with a verandah. It be- longed to Mr Joe Sharpe, who lived in it. This also I cannot remember getting put up. Mrs Faithful's coachman, Riley. lived there after he left ' Lakeville.' This place, has been pulled down many years. The next place is the skillion where Miss Thorley lives. This is a very old place. The first I remember living there was Jack Cafe, better known as Jack Tailby. He was a splitter and fencer. He married a sister to old William Timmins, and she died there. Miss Thorley has been living there a great number, of years.
Where Matthew Hughes lived there was an old weatherboard place with a verandah I don't remember getting built. When Matthew got married and went there to live they made alterations and additions to it. Here the good old Matthew lived all his life, and died. His wife died somewhere about Goulburn. She had a married daughter living up there, and went up for the good of her health. The next place is the historic building, the old church and school. The portion down stairs was used as a church and the upstairs as a school. The first minister I heard preach there was the Rev. H. Stiles, and the first schoolmaster I remember was old Mr Hughes. The next schoolmaster was Mr Braham and then came Mr Griffiths. He was the first registrar of births, deaths and marriages in Richmond. I understand a daughter of his was keeping a boarding house at Manly a short time ago. Mr Braham was a little man, and I remember hearing people say he was the last of a family of twenty two. While in this locality I am reminded of old Mr George James when we used to go down to the lagoon for casks of water. He was fond of children, and when leaving home would bring out a basket of fruit to take with him. When he got to the school he would scramble them among the school children and delight in the sport. Chapel Street. Commencing at the lowlands end of this street., I can just remember the two-storey house on the corner belonging to the Onus' being finished. It was here old Joseph Onus went to live when he married Emma Powell, sister to Mr Henry Powell, and daughter of the late Edward Powell, His son, ' young ' Joe, lived there also for a great number of years and died there. Coming along on the same side about half way between the house we have mentioned and Windsor-street there was an old weatherboard place of several rooms without a verandah. There were two doors in the front. One end of it was occupied by Jerry Hill, a very tall Stout man. He had no family. He was a veterinary surgeon, and will be remembered by some of the very old hands. At the other end towards Windsor-street Tom Watson, Tom the Tinker,' as he was called, lived. His sign was ' T. Watson, tinman and brazier,' lettered on a piece of tin. This old place has been pulled down many years, and I don't remember it getting built. That is all the houses in this street at that time. On the opposite side was a paddock. The house in which old Herbert Travis lived for so many years, and the places to be seen to-day, have all been built within my recollection. Bosworth Street. At Cox's lane end the first house I remember was up before my time. The first person I knew there was James Griffiths. He was a shoemaker, and a brother to Mrs Parnell and Mrs Potts. He had three daughters and two sons. When he first came to Richmond he and the wife and family — it wasn't quite as large then — stayed with old Mr and Mrs George James for a week or two till they got a house. They went back to Launceston. Mr Thomas Richards lived there for years and kept a butcher's shop. When he left there he went round into Windsor Street, and there ended his days. Old Mr William Heath lived there for many years, and carried on tailoring. He sent clothes to all parts of the district, and miles up country. He was a jolly old man and good company. He had been an old soldier, and learnt the tailoring while in the army. His training as a soldier stuck to him, and in his advanced years was a very nimble man, and could kick the top of a door frame quite easily — and the hat off your head if you wished. He was a great admirer of game fowls, and an excellent hand at making ' heels,' and heeling the birds. Others have lived there also, but Charley Curtis crosses my mind at present as living there for a while. The old house was pulled down years ago. A few years ago a new cottage was put up on the same block of land. When Mr Jim Shields and his sisters are living I don't remember getting put up. I remember Thomas Harris keeping a ' pub ' there, but that is many, many years ago. Old Mr Potts kept a ' pub ' there also. After the ' pubs ' a Jew, whose name I forget, kept a shop there. He was a very big man, jolly, and good company. Old Mr George Shields lived there pretty well a life time, Both Mr and Mrs Shields died there. The house is still in the possession of the family and occupied by the children already mentioned. I fancy old Mr Joseph Stafford kept a shop there, and dealt in poultry. Where the two skillions are next to Shields' old place was one block of land, on which stood a weatherboard place of four rooms, the two back rooms being skillion roof. This, like Shields' house, I don't remember getting put up. There was an old low paling fence in front. A man whom we always knew as ' Robison the carpenter ' lived there for some time. He and his wife died there, leaving no family. I have heard it said he was a good tradesman. This old place has been down many years. The two skillions standing there to-day I remember getting built. Harry Willis, a shoemaker, lived in the old house. He worked for old Mr Swinbourne. We then come to where Mr Richard Allen lives— and truly ' Dick ' is a very long way over the three score and ten. Mrs Masters, my mother, stands first in my mind. I was taken down to see her one day, and told she was my mother, but I couldn't make out how it was possible to have two mothers. I had al- ways known Mrs James as mother, and I was too young to know anything about being adopted at the age of fifteen months. This place is too old for me to recollect. Old Mr Allen has been living there a very fair lifetime — and may he be spared many years yet. Old Mr Allen was a wheel wright, and I was going to be bound to him for seven years to learn the wheel wrighting, I was then fourteen years of age, and my term was to be till I was twenty one, The indentures was drawn up and ready to be signed when my foster father and mother jibbed on it. I went to school with Mrs Richard Allen, who was Miss Matilda Cornwell then. The little skillion on the corner is a very old place — long before my time. The first person I knew living in it was a man named Whalan, a basketmaker. He was a short man, and had a great habit of saying How do ! How do !' to, himself as he went along. Little ''Bob the Hatter' lived in it. He was a very short, stout, jolly man, and made straw hats for sale. When walking up the street he would have his plait of straw with him and hard at it as he went along. Tom Watson, the tinker, removed from Chapel-street and lived in it for some time. Alex McKay lived there for a number of years. He worked for Mr Thomas Richards for many years. He was a jolly old fellow, and a true-born Scotchman. In one of the skillions we have been speaking about in this block Thomas Young lived, but the exact one I cannot say. He was a quiet, harmless old man, and was thought a great deal of by Mrs W. H. Holborow, the Rev. Dr. Woolls and others. All were kind to Tom. Where Mr Charles Sly has been living for a number of years ; where the old skillion so many years occupied by Janey Baldwin stands; where the old homes of Mr Houghton and his son Clem, and where the old home of good old ' Betty' Mortimer are to be seen, was all vacant land when I first knew it. It was at the old Houghton home that ' Clem ' ran the livery stable for so many years. We next have the old, low, house on the corner, opposite to the side ' Dick Allen lives on, which was built before my time. When I first knew it it was a pub. kept by Thomas Mortimer. His wife died there. A man named Harris, or Owen, kept it as a " pub " also. John Markwell also kept a ' pub ' there for some time. While Markwell was there a very funny thing happened. A man who was famous for his non-shouting propensities was in there, sitting on the seat. Several jolly boys came in for a drink, and invited him to take one with them. The next one's turn came, and he, too, extended the invitation. And so it went the rounds of the boys, the invitation being given every time. They thought they would drag a shout out of the man by this method, but no. Some of them had been out back and knew a little about the black's language, and, as they knew their guest prided himself on knowing more about the blacks language than any- one else, they challenged him to a test. Their friend led off with some of the language and told them they did not know what he was saying. One of them said he was asking them would they have something to drink, and named their drinks and told Markwell to draw them. The old man protested strongly that wasn't what he was saying, but it was no go. They were all of the same opinion that that was what he, said, and the. wind up of it was the old man had to pay for drinks all round. Then a Douglas Hadkins kept ' pub ' there also. Douglas in years after drifted into Sydney. He in- vented an incubator, etc , for poultry raising and was, I believe, keeping a shop in that line in Bathurst-street. Old Mr Joe Stratford lived in this old place at one time. He kept a little shop, and still dealt in poultry.Source: Windsor and Richmond Gazette 9 Apr 1910
5. Daniel Eaton
ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. THE BLACKS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE Sydney -Monitor and Commercial Advertiser. Richmond, Nov. 8, 1838. SIR,-I beg the favour of your insertion of the following particulars, as are related to me by my nephew Mr. William Crowly, who has returned from my cattle station, on the Big River-beyond-Liverpool plains which he left about sixteen days ago, he states that five horses are killed, and four others are wounded, and upwards of one hundred head of cattle are killed, and the flocks and herds are driven away in all directions by the blacks, and on his going for some fencing for a stock yard, about one hundred of them attacked himself and one of the men, and threatened to burn the dray; and it was with much difficulty they were driven away, without effecting their purpose. I am Sir, your obedient.servant, DANIEL EATON
Source: The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser 9 Nov 1838
Arrived free, along with her grandmother, to join her father, grandfather and uncles.
Council Alderman
farmer, currier, tanner
49. William Eaton
William and Julia were cousins